Regular volunteer days are now available - see below.
RSVP using this form or email Athompson@sunshinecommunitycompost.org
RSVP is required to ensure we communicate most up to date info to participants.
Click here to check weather and cancellation status of your scheduled event.
Outdoor volunteer events are typicaly cancelled in the event of heavy rain - check the staus page for updates please.

Sign up for the newsletter for the most current infomation on volunteer events.
First Thursday of each month - Limelight Community Garden, 4-6 p.m.
Address and details offered once you RSVP to Athompson@sunsinecommunitycompost.org. Help us establish and maintain a new community garden in the heart of the Limelight District. A wide array of activities available to accomodate many skill and energy levels.
Second Saturday of each month - Sarasota Farmers Market 6a.m.-12:30p.m.
Location and details offered once you RSVP to Athompson@sunshinecommunitycompost.org. We request a minimum of 1-2 hour shift within the stated timeframe. Help spread the word about our programs and services and also help host our free food scrap collection station.
Last Saturday of each month - Limelight Community Garden, 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Address and details offered once you RSVP to Athompson@sunsinecommunitycompost.org. Help us establish and maintain a new community garden in the heart of the Limelight District. A wide array of activities available to accomodate many skill and energy levels.

You can prepare for the safety talk we will give at our sites by reviewing the info below. We believe in safety first, and want everyone to know about good body mechanics in the field.